Fact Finding: Investigative Interview Fundamentals
Traditionally considered a focus of Loss Prevention, effective investigative interview skills are essential for Security, Human Resources, Compliance, and other professionals as well.
Learn best practices for conducting professional and effective investigative interviews from our panel of experts.
Investigative interviews are a crucial tool for organizations to gather information for security, human resources, and legal/regulatory purposes. This includes pre-employment screenings, due diligence, investigations, and more.
In the corporate or business setting, investigative interviews must be conducted with respect, sensitivity, and professionalism.
There are fundamental principles for effective investigative interviews that security professionals can use. These techniques are backed by research as well as real-world experience. These principles can be used to address the lifecycle of personnel risk and other fact-finding initiatives.
Discussion Topics:
· Practical advice for conducting effective, professional investigations
· What the research tells us about detecting deception
· Techniques & technologies for screening counterproductive workplace behaviors
· Guidance on investigative interview policies and methods
This broadcast is recommended for corporate security, loss prevention, human resources, compliance, and other professionals who conduct or take part in investigations or use investigative interviews to gather information.
Join us for this dynamic panel discussion where seasoned investigators share their experience and proven techniques.
Our Panelists:
Alan Saquella, CPP
Professor of Interview and Interrogation Techniques and Tactics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University College of Business, Security and Intelligence
Former Director of Security & Investigations for Cox Communications Inc.
More than 25 years of experience in corporate, white-collar and criminal investigations
Certified Polygraph Examiner.
Russ Law
Founder & CEO, Verensics
Former Corporate Security Advisor, ExxonMobil Global Security
Twenty-two years of experience in corporate security.
Andy Neiner, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychological Science at Kennesaw State University
Forty years of experience developing employment tests.
Member, Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Lifetime Member, American Psychological Association (APA).